Saturday, March 03, 2007

Dark Times-Secret

For the past two months, there have been so many hurdles to deal with. It's the old saying "When it rains it pours". This was the first time I needed to take a sabbatical from my business and deal with the situations. My family was also in the dark for a couple of weeks, not knowing if we were going to be moving to another state. I'm glad February ended with some resolutions.

The idea of moving really forced me to think differently about my business and my families future. I took time to breath, think about life and clear my mind. This thought process and ability to talk to close friends opened many doors and avenues for my business. During the unknown time, I went the the newly formed Institute of Women Entrepreneurs for guidance in Santa Ana, CA . It's always good to get advice in the evaluation process, make enhancements and exploring new territory. Now I'm jazzed and ready for changes that will take me to my destination . During my time off, I had a chance to see "The Secret" on Oprah Winfrey show. I had two close friends whom had emailed me information about an upcoming show. The "Law of Attraction" "A New Era for Humankind ". Secret is released to the world! This ground-breaking feature length movie presentation reveals The Great Secret of the universe. It has been passed throughout the ages, traveling through centuries... to reach you and humankind. A group I belong to , Tanya Hutchison, founder of the group had Lisa Nicols, a teacher from the secret as a presenter.

After the show, I realize that I had been practicing many elements that had been discussed. During the past 4 years, I've prayed daily, asked for the strength, guidance and patience for my mission. Through this path I realized that my mission is not about me having my business but to assist/serve others with their dreams; I'm committed to my community. and grateful for people whom have assisted me along the way. Through the path, I visualized many things, reaffirmed my dreams and goals on a daily basis. As a result, "Heaven Sent" has receive an abundance of blessings with much dedication.

When I embraced our move to the East Coast, things started to change. I took action in caring for myself a priority. In the past, working out was my second nature, now is back into my life. I'm finally started Yoga, Pilate's and using my weights.

Here's more great news.... I was nominated in the Excellence in Entrepreneurship Awards by the The Orange County Business Journal.

"ADDY has her GROVE BACK".!..

Thanks to all my friends Terry, Nancy, Nora, Sandra, Barbara, Larry, Ben, Diana, Sallie and Linda for all the support.

Stay tuned as Addy's drives away in the add mobile with sparkle and bling.
