Saturday, May 27, 2006

Manchester Who's Who

Talk about so many cool things happening in a month!..

While this month has been so busy with many blessings, I was trying to explain to my 5 year old why mommy and daddy were going away dressed up. I told her, as she received her Star Student Recognition in school, I too was going to receive my Star Recognition for my jewelry business. Both my little ones were so proud to see mommy sparkle and bling with my Austrian Crystal Designs.

As a child, I had a nack for drawing ; I was known at the Artist. While in high school, I had my artwork published and worked for the college newspaper. Much fun came from drawing and I seriously thought of being a fashion designer since I loved to sew & design my clothes in Jr & high school. This artistic gift has come alive with my designs in my jewelry designs. At my NLBWA Awards, I blinged my cloths with Austrian Swarovski Crystal and my shoes. What fun I had...

I was so busy preparing for another function, I forgot about correspondence I had received a few weeks back from New York. It was from an organization, called the Manchester Who's Who... I thought....hhhmmmmmm..... what is this about.... and why am I receiving it. I emailed some of my friends about it... I checked out their website and said WOW..... Upon completing the sheet that was sent, I sent it back.

I had about a 20 minute interview about my vision, my affiliations and my future. I was invited to be part of the New York Manchester Who's Who. Wow.... I wondered whom had given my name .

The Manchester Who's Who Among Executives and Professional "Honors Edition" of the registry in the US. I'm pretty excited about this....

Stay tuned for more as Addy rides away in the Addy mobile with Bling & Sparkle.



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