Sunday, March 09, 2008

Entrepreneur Children learning

As parents, we work hard at being positive role models for our children. We some times wonder whether these little people are listening to what we are saying and are they being influenced in a positive manner.

In February, I was so touched that both of my children would be receiving an award at their school assembly.

When I picked up my son from kindergarten he had a little envelope with a safety pin on his shirt. I asked him what is this? The teacher aid mentioned that James would be receiving an award next week. I was so proud of my little eye's teared ... I hugged him and we happily walked back home.

My little guy loves life and loves dealing with adults. He's a happy little spirit that enjoys making himself useful and having fun at the same time. He really is a very considerate little guy with a big heart and is a very good communicator. Gosh , when I was a child I was so meek and quite and shy.

Then we took another walk and picked up my little girl. Once we were home, I went through her backpack and opened an enveloped addressed to us. Wow.. it said your child will be receiving an award on February 21st.... I couldn't believe it.

This was a major accomplishment for my little girl. She had problems with math but she learned how to focus, learned how to be patient and did not give up. She would some times break down in tears when she could not comprehend her assignments. I explained that math was not easy for me as a child and that I had to practise, practise, practise until it came to me. It was so good to see how my little girl gained her confidence and how she improved. She also recieved a necklace for reading a certain number of books.

Talk about coincidence..... I was a nominee for the Orange County Business Journal Seventh Annual Excellence in Entrepreneurship Awards "For extraordinary success and contribution to the Orange County Business Community". I showed my certificate to both my children and we talked about what it took in order to receive that recognition. They both hugged me and said "We're proud of you mama"!

Children are like seeds.

They will blossom with love, support and patience.

It's what we teach them, the examples that we set and we explain the process. Having fun is critical and learning how we can improve will help us grow.
"Stay tuned as Addy's drives away in the Addy mobile with sparkle and bling. "



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