Saturday, July 21, 2007

The Law of Attraction

Dare to Dream!

Before learning about the Law of Attraction from the Oprah Winfrey show, I practised all the principles through out my life. Consequently, the many blessings followed which made me feel like I was on cloud nine the months of April-July! What a beautiful rush to experience after many, many years of taking an active role in the business community.

Wow.... I was truly touched in meeting and receiving my award by Jovita Carranza. Jovita was appointed by President George W. Bush as a high level position for the U.S. SBA (Small Business Administration).

As I went to receive my award, Jovita told me that she was touched by my story and she was inspired by me!.... Imagine that!... During the presentation, I took my children. Jovita was taken by their presence and commented on how important it is for our children in taking part of meaningful events during her presentation to the private reception prior to the awards ceremony . For they will be the future leaders of our great country!...

Jovita was also taken by my beautiful designs that I created during a two day celebration. Here I am with the heart warming IWE (Institute of Women Entrepreneurs).

Dreams can be accomplished with the support and vision of a loving family. All the blessings, made me realize how much I love my husband and children!

Stay tuned as Addy's drives away in the Addy mobile with sparkle and bling.



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